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2 lb. -  $ 5.99
5 lbs. - 12.99

Steel-cut oats, golden in color, are whole grain groats (the inner portion of the oat kernel) which have been cut into pieces. Steel-cut oats take longer to cook than instant or rolled oats due to their minimal processing, typically 15–30 minutes. The flavor of the cooked oats is described as being nuttier than other types of oats, and they are also chewier. You can refrigerate leftovers for up to five days, or freeze it, as it does not suffer on the reheat. To make a parrot-sized portion, press a serving into an ice cube tray. When frozen, pop out the cubes of oatmeal into a plastic bag and store in the freezer. It is easy to daily put one of these cubes on top of the cup of moist-food assortment.

Whole grains, including oatmeal, contain essential nutrients our bodies need to function properly. These nutrients include folate, iron, magnesium, selenium, thiamin and riboflavin. Antioxidants in whole grains can also help to reduce inflammation. While the amount of antioxidants is small, by continuing to eat oatmeal over time you will reap the health benefits of these antioxidants. Additionally, the American Cancer Society has stated that oats contain cancer-fighting phytochemicals in their outer layer which help prevent and fight heart disease and cancer.

Steel Cut Oatmeal

1 cup steel cut oats
3.5 cups water

Bring water to boil. Gradually stir in the oats slowly, constantly stirring while adding, and allow to return to boil. Immediately turn off heat source and cover. Stir every five minutes or so, to allow for equal absorption of the water. Continue until the mass is thick and creamy, and allow to stand until cool.

You can refrigerate leftovers for up to five days, or freeze it. To make a parrot-sized portion, press a serving into an ice cube tray. When frozen, pop out the cubes of oatmeal into a plastic bag and store in the freezer. Be sure to thaw completely before serving it to a parrot with the moist food. If it is cold, they will toss it out of the bowl.

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Daily 10 am to 7 pm EST